What I've been reading...

The Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell. These are really, really good and I wish I'd read them before I started GURPS: Casus Belli because I would have probably changed some things to fit this series (not the least of which being that Morded is Arthur's half-brother and Uther's legitimate heir and that Arthur isn't king in this, but the equivalent of "War Duke"). Cornwell does a great job of twisting the original story to fit his narrative and I love what he's done with some of the characters. Lancelot, for example, is a cowardly shitbag who has awesome PR. No, seriously, he's paid heralds and bards to talk him up to the modern take on him, which is awesome.

I am making some minor adjustments to existing Casus Belli stuff due to this, but fortunately most of that are things that the players haven't encountered and won't for a while. The stuff they will run into are mostly the religious strife - Christians versus pagans, which will be interesting considering I have a Churchman PC (Paulus) and a (I think) devout Christian member of The Family (Marcus) while everyone else is pagan.

And ugh ... I may resume running this game next week. I am so not ready.


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