Weight Loss, End of Week 1

Not down appreciably - 3 lbs for the week frankly kind of sucks, IMO - but then, as stated before, got the craptastic scale that is so wildly inconsistent that I have to weigh myself nine or ten times and take the weight that appears most frequently.

Still haven't pulled the trigger on the gym membership yet. This a.m., I went to a local walking path and spent most of an hour making two laps. Tried jogging a bit, but whoa buddy. That kicked my ass straight away so I'll need to ease back into that. Ideally, I'd like to end up where I was in my senior year of high school (pipe dream, I know) where I actually enjoyed jogging and did so nearly every day. But the fact I've gotten up at a reasonable hour on both days of the weekend and done some form of physical activity (walking in both instances) is definitely progress.

Baby steps, man. Baby steps.


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