Weight Loss, Day 4

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms have abated. Unfortunately, this means I'm pretty much just drinking water right now and ... blech. Well, water and the occasional beer thing ("Henry's Hard Soda Ginger Ale") which is slotted into my calorie count. Rah.

Unfortunately, my weight scale is shit so I can no longer trust it. I literally saw ranges of 20 lbs when I weighed myself this a.m. - bounced between 248 (no way in hell I'm that light yet) and 270. That's absurd. So clearly, I need to get a more accurate one...

Toying with joining a local gym as well, but man, I hate working out. Really, really, really hate it. Going to try to use just this calorie count and portion control thing for the time being but who knows? Maybe I'll suddenly find the energy to become the gym guy ... unlikely, but possible, I guess.


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