Arkham Origins & video games in general

Steam had "Arkham Origins" on sale for like $20 the other day so I picked it up and played through it. Yes, the irony of me playing a Batman game based on my general exhaustion with the character is not lost on me, but I must admit, the games he gets are pretty awesome. If you liked Arkham City, this is pretty much the same only earlier in the timeline. It includes Joker's first appearance and he's the final villain as well.

Seriously, though, I would make a terrible Batman. As much as I disliked the Ben Affleck version of Batman in BvS:DoJ - nothing against him; he did a great job with what was written ... I just hated how he was written - he's a lot more like what I would be. Joker would be dead the second time he popped up, Riddler would be dead the moment I got my hands on him because of how irritating the riddles are, and so on.

What really struck me, though, is that this engine would make for an awesome Spider-Man game. Please, Rocksteady, make it so!

At some point, I'll have to pick up Arkham Knight to finish out the series...


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