Random Status Updates

Went biking this weekend with the fixed road bike ... and yeah. My arms are seriously burned. Sunday made it worse cause I intentionally sought out a shirt with exposed arms. Sadly, the darned sunscreen I applied didn't seem to do a whole lot. Which makes me think that it would be even worse if I hadn't applied the sunscreen.

Session 2x03 of Casus Belli went well on Saturday, albeit not exactly how I expected. Recap is here.

Also, did a major "cleaning" of my apartment in another attempt to "get my head right" - not entirely done; I have to clean out the dresser which has sort of turned into a second junk storage instead of for clothes, but I did find my old Kindle that I'd thought I lost. Despite having a Fire, I promptly charged the old one up and re-registered it. The Fire ... I just don't like it as much, probably cause its a tablet so the screen doesn't have that cool "Paperwhite" tech which I frankly kind of love.

In weight news, after Sunday's bike ride and the shower afterward, I weighed myself and am down 18 lbs from when I started this whackiness. Which is awesome, but still not good enough. Buddy of mine is down 60 lbs from portion control alone - I'm doing that and exercise. Ideally, I'd love to hit 200 again cause that would be awesome.

And in other news, it looks like the US is poised on a race war kicking off. Fantastic. We've been "fundamentally transformed." Ugh.


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