Biking to Work

So, this week (except today), I've ridden my bike to and from work. It's not far, just over a mile and a half, I think, unless I make an effort to lengthen it at which point I can get it to over two miles. The problem with this is arriving at work sweaty ... and Oklahoma drivers. Seriously, I don't know whether people are just assholes or oblivious to everything, but man, I think I've had like three near misses in as many days.

Today, I just put the bike on the car and drove in. After work, I'll drive over to that 7 mile river trail in downtown OKC and maybe do it twice ... or just once, depending on whether it thoroughly kicks my ass, which is always a given at this stage. Also providing it doesn't rain which my phone thing says 55% of ... which is what? It'll probably rain, maybe not?

I do wish I lived closer to someplace with really good biking trails or at least the route to work was a bit more bike friendly...


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