
Showing posts from July, 2016


All week, I've been unable to get up on time so I could go biking before work (and then, it either rained or threatened to rain in the evening so I couldn't go after work either.) This morning, I woke up at 6 a.m. and was good to go. Started getting dressed... And it began to pour rain. Ugh.

I'm A Terrible Blogger

Seriously. I guess it says something about how utterly uninteresting my life is that I forget to remark on it for long periods of time. What did I do yesterday? I worked, then I went home and played Dragon Age: Inquisition. The day before that ... I did exactly the same thing. Today, I expect I'll do it again as well. Right now, there's nothing on television that interests me. I look at what is in theaters and am unmoved. Latest nuTrek movie? I'll catch it on HBO in a couple of weeks. Jason Bourne comes out this week and my immediate response is why? What is left of his story? The 3rd Bourne flick was not as good as the second one, but at least it ended on a nice bookend, with Bourne once more floating in the water but now having reclaimed his life. Knowing that the director, Paul Greengrass, is a hardcore lefty, I fully expect this latest movie will be yet another anti-America screed disguised as a cool action movie. And Ghostbusters? No. Not no, but hell fuck no. I have

Wonder Woman trailer

Wow. COLOR! THERE'S ACTUALLY COLOR IN IT! Joking aside, this actually makes me more interested in seeing the movie, unlike all of the trailers for Murderman v Mopeyman which just made me more and more wary with each new trailer that dropped.

Fitness Update

Got up about 2 hours later than I intended to this morning, but still managed to get the biking in even though I very badly need to get one (or two) of my car tires replaced. Managed 16.44 miles today at just under 12 mph (average.) Wanted 20, but will try for that tomorrow. Weighed myself after the shower and I'm currently at 251 exactly, which is 19 pounds under where I was when I started this 48 days ago. So ... progress!

Wonder Woman Official poster

After the disaster that was Murderman v Mopeyman: Dawn of Mediocrity, I have low expectations for this while simultaneously hoping it reignites my interest in the DC movie universe (which is going to be a very difficult thing to do after that shitfest mentioned before.) Considering she was only of the only decent things about that movie, maybe there is still hope...I certainly have none left for Justice League.

Car Maintenance

Slow leak in driver's side front tire. Filled it up the other day and observed a large nail or something in the tire. Looks like I know what I will be doing on Saturday... Which sucks because I was planning on doing the biking thing that a.m. The problem I've noticed with the particular tire place I go to is that if you don't get there really early, good luck in getting the work done that day. And even if you do get there early, so many other people go there (because they're the best at what they do, sort of like Wolverine) that it may still take all day. Hmm. Maybe I should take my bike with me, then drop off the car and use the bike to go home? Nah. Too far away. Should take laptop and work on Saturday's Casus Belli adventure...

Stranger Things on Netflix

Wow. That was really, really good. Well done, Netflix. Well done indeed. It does make one wonder: what's the secret? Why is Netflix stuff so consistently good and the networks stuff such utter crap?



Today's Experiment

Have to be at work by 10, so I rolled out of the apartment around 8, took the bike to the River and did 11 point something miles. Traffic was hideously ugly on the way back, so I deviated through back streets, got home and showered. Walked into the office about 5 minutes after 10. Takeaway: get your ass up on time, dude. I was awake at 6, rolled over and slept for another hour, then finally got up a little after 7 and putzed around until I made the decision to leave. If I'd have left the apartment at say, 6:30 or even 7, I would have plenty of time to bike, shower, and still get into work early. Will try again tomorrow...

Episode 4 of Casus Belli

Recap  is up. Interesting session that worked out better than I expected.

Fitness Progress

Just shy of 14 miles on the bike this a.m. Was glorious weather for it, but someone kept putting hills in my way when I was heading back to the car that I don't recall being there before. Shooting for 16-20 miles tomorrow. Huzzah. According to MyFitnessPal, I'm down 15.6 lbs in the 41 days since I started tracking it. Not bad, I guess although I don't see it. Am certainly sleeping better, I must admit, and am generally more energetic, but still don't have to throw out my clothes and buy a new wardrobe yet. Dammit. Slow and steady, man. Slow and steady.

Biking to Work

So, this week (except today), I've ridden my bike to and from work. It's not far, just over a mile and a half, I think, unless I make an effort to lengthen it at which point I can get it to over two miles. The problem with this is arriving at work sweaty ... and Oklahoma drivers. Seriously, I don't know whether people are just assholes or oblivious to everything, but man, I think I've had like three near misses in as many days. Today, I just put the bike on the car and drove in. After work, I'll drive over to that 7 mile river trail in downtown OKC and maybe do it twice ... or just once, depending on whether it thoroughly kicks my ass, which is always a given at this stage. Also providing it doesn't rain which my phone thing says 55% of ... which is what? It'll probably rain, maybe not? I do wish I lived closer to someplace with really good biking trails or at least the route to work was a bit more bike friendly...

Phone Apps

I guess I should feel at least a little adulty - while everyone online seems to be going bonkers and downloading that Pokemon game, only thing I've put on my phone lately is MapMyRide and MyFitnessPal... Just do not get this Pokemon thing at all...


So, that sunburn on my shoulders I think I mentioned yesterday? A bit more painful than I expected. Having trouble actually sleeping because of it - for whatever reason, I simply cannot sleep on my stomach which would have resolved this. I shouldn't have been surprised, not with how pale that bit of skin was prior to the sun ... but ouch. Just ... ouch.

Airwolf on Netflix!

Oh, man. I have such fond memories of this show ... time to see if it lives up to those memories...

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Sweet! I ordered this from Amazon and it came in today. I think this is one of the only Heinlein books I haven't read - as a self-declared Kindle snob, I'm still irked it isn't available for that so I'm having to rely on the dead tree version.

Random Status Updates

Went biking this weekend with the fixed road bike ... and yeah. My arms are seriously burned. Sunday made it worse cause I intentionally sought out a shirt with exposed arms. Sadly, the darned sunscreen I applied didn't seem to do a whole lot. Which makes me think that it would be even worse if I hadn't applied the sunscreen. Session 2x03 of Casus Belli went well on Saturday, albeit not exactly how I expected. Recap is here . Also, did a major "cleaning" of my apartment in another attempt to "get my head right" - not entirely done; I have to clean out the dresser which has sort of turned into a second junk storage instead of for clothes, but I did find my old Kindle that I'd thought I lost. Despite having a Fire, I promptly charged the old one up and re-registered it. The Fire ... I just don't like it as much, probably cause its a tablet so the screen doesn't have that cool "Paperwhite" tech which I frankly kind of love. In weight


Been trying to formulate my thoughts on this Dallas situation ever since I heard about it and I keep coming back to "Not surprising." The way the rhetoric has ramped up, especially from the POTUS, about how American cops are racist, bigoted, and evil, I must admit that I've been expecting something like this for a while even as I hoped cooler heads would prevail. But alas, the current POTUS is, at heart, just a community agitator ... er ... "organizer" so he's been throwing nitroglycerin onto a simmering campfire. I fear things are going to get a lot worse, especially if Shillary gets elected (and then, God help us all.)

New Knife

Picked this thing up because my normal knife - Benchmade 800 , I think - always seems to freak people out when I pull it out the pocket and flip it open. Bunch of wusses, if you ask me. I love the Benchmade knife but can't keep the damned thing sharp and, as I've discovered online, that's a problem with this kind. Anyway, new knife is a Gerber EVO ... and it is a lot smaller than I expected. Might have to big a large instead of a mid, just to get a decent blade size. You know, for the alien/zombie apocalypse...

Shillary and the Emails

Did not post my reaction yesterday to FBI Director Comey's decision to not recommend indictment against Clinton because, quite frankly, I was furious. I still am, actually, but I've at least calmed down a little bit. The blatant corruption of everything going on here is insane. If you read or listen to Comey's announcement, the decision to not recommend charges flatly goes against everything he said beforehand - I know people with security clearances and if they did even an 1/8th of the shit that Clinton did here, they'd be done and in jail. But instead, this ... person gets off without even a fucking slap on the wrist and might very well become the next POTUS. Fuck this. Rocks fall. Everyone dies. That's what I'm hoping for.

Casus Belli, 2x02

Recap for this session is up. Things progress fairly well. Actually looking forward to this week's session, so I think I've finally reached that comfort point.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

So sad this movie didn't do better. It was a fricking blast.

Man ...

This is one of those days where I'm just so fricking hungry ... don't want crap food. I want a Swadley's hamburger. And maybe a loaded baked potato too. Must focus on weight improvement. Dammit.