13 Hours and Gaming: The Siege

So, rewatched most of "13 Hours" this weekend and led me to thinking about how to do a scenario like that as an RPG. Our Saturday group has an Action! spy game called Consular Operations (where I'm playing a blatant ripoff of Phil Coulson using the Investigator template) and it occurred to me that I could maybe spin up the scenario using them.

My current thinking is to basically the following:

  • Begin in media res with most PCs captured by some bad guys? How did they get caught? Who cares? Quinn (my PC) is off being tortured for information (so as to explain why he's not active later in the scenario.) 
  • One PC (randomly determined) managed to elude the bad guys and must rescue the other PCs. Might be interesting if other Players run the appropriate mooks.
  • Intel recovered points to a compound (of sorts) in a nearby city with indications that this has the potential of being a mass casualty event but intel should also be wildly incomplete, so no intel agency would actually respond to this which means it's up to the PCs! Quinn, being injured, will accompany the other PCs in a fully advisory capacity (again, due to injuries) so he'll stay in the truck.
  • Reach the nearby city and locate the compound so they can do recon. Ideally, I'd like to get the PCs to just about to breach when Quinn tells them to abort ... because he's IDed this compound as a CIA annex.
  • Eventually, PCs end up inside the compound - could I manage to capture them without a firefight? One or two of the defenders are Delta operators, so one of the PCs (who is a Delta guy) would likely cooperate - where the guy in charge is an Obstructive Bureaucrat who is just pissed that they're here at all. He reveals that they've captured a Big Bad and are interrogating him
  • And then, the Siege begins with wave after wave of Red Shirt Mooks using full auto and RPGs and all that.
The important thing that I'd need to focus on is how to do the waves of bad guys without using Mass Combat (because I don't want to do that at all) and without it just being "and another wave of bad guys attack." Monitoring the ammo count is probably one way to ramp up tension, not to mention there being no reinforcements, especially if this CIA annex is a black site that's off the books.


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