Over the last couple of days, I watched "The Pacific" mini-series on Amazon ... as a massive fan of "Band of Brothers," I always meant to watch this but when it originally came out, I didn't have HBO and then, it just fell off my radar. Having seen it now, I will say that, overall, I still prefer BoB but will acknowledge that "The Pacific" is still really, really good. Episode 6, for example, is incredibly intense and the crap that the Marines went through during those campaigns ... wow. Just horrible. That said, it certainly made me think about how to replicate a lot of this sort of thing in RPGing. The big thing that immediately comes to mind are the stakes: in these sorts of movies, machine guns mow down characters willy-nilly, artillery and mortar fire tear apart bodies, and snipers take people out without warning ... if a player spends an hour or more (for example) creating a character, complete with awesome (or heck, less than awesome) backstor...