In our Friday game, we're playing D&D 5E with a relatively new GM, with a fascinating campaign concept: the PCs are legendary heroes pulled from the past to deal with a great threat ... unfortunately, they were pulled from the timestream before they could become the legends. I decided that I would play a Paladin but wanted to do something slightly different and came up with a concept: the Traitor-Knight. Essentially, in his past-future, he would go on to become reviled by most of the populace due to his siding with the losers of the inevitable war that leads to the current status quo. But that's not what this post is really about. Instead, I wanted to throw out some interesting musings on Holy Knights like this.
There are twenty planned chapters, five of which are going to be flashbacks. This is actually becoming my standard, I've noticed as "Fulcrum," "Vorticity" and "Aspects of Silver" all have that same technique baked into them. As outlines go, this probably one of my least figured out which honestly fills me with a great deal of trepidation about this.
I can't say that this surprises me - the sad part, for me anyway, is that he's had the potential to be great but the scripts have sucked terribly for him. Kind of weird that Moffat wrote some of my favorite Tennant Who eps but has kind of been a bust as showrunner. My expectation is that Capaldi's departure will be the death knell of the show. The SJW twits will get their way and the next Doctor will likely be a woman and long-time fans like me will tune out in droves. I have less trouble with the Doctor being a black guy, providing he's a guy . Sadly, the show already went off the rails with the Master regenerating into a woman (although to be fair, I've pretty much hated the modern incarnation of the Master since he first showed up in Tennant's run because he's been more Joker-like than Master-like.)