Getting Back Into the Groove...

Reread what I've got written for Vorticity - happily, it does not suck like I'd feared although now I am trying to make myself get back to writing on it. I actually have a lot more of it done than I'd expected - I'm over 70K on it and its still definitely not done yet; at this point, I feel like I need to start culling some stuff ... 85K would be a good size, but I've got 20 (planned) chapters left and none of them really feel like stuff that needs to go. I suppose I should just say "Frak it" and work on it until I'm done, then look to see what can go and what can stay ...

Related problem: next month (June), I should be restarting my GURPS: Casus Belli game - characters are (mostly) Celtic types in 5th Century Wales as Arthur rises; it is nominally set in my GURPS: Red Sky universe, which is also set in the Dresden Files universe - and that does require a lot of mental bandwidth on my part since I'm not a seat-of-the-pants GM (or writer, really.) Hence the difficulty...

Ah, First World problems...


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