
Showing posts from November, 2016

Dental Work

Got the permanent crown put in this a.m. and was very gratified that I didn't have to pay the entire balance today. Thanks to the car work I had to get done yesterday costs almost immediately what I still owe the dentist.

Armed and Operational...

Well, sort of. Car is repaired - my guess about the ignition switch being responsible was correct, although it cost me $330 to get it repaired. The problem I'm facing now is my dental appointment tomorrow and the $533 I'm supposed to pay ... which I don't have, dammit. Can pay some of that with my HSA (not quite half, but close) ... but if I pay the rest with regular funds, I'm going to be floating around $0 until next week's payday. So ... ugh. Sure could have used a bonus this year. Guess its not coming though...

Fraked if you do ...

You know the rest. Seriously. Not super enthusiastic about visiting family over the holidays because I'm inevitably reminded that I'm still single and likely to remain so until I croak, but then, when I have holidays like this one where I simply can't afford to go anywhere (and have a fraking dentist appointment in the middle of said holiday), I really take note of the fact that there just isn't much going on with my life. Yeah. Really need something to distract me from this.

Car Trouble

So fucking pissed off right now. I joked about my car breaking once it as paid off and what do you know? It just did. Fucking thing won't turn over but the internal electronics (radio, for example) is acting like the key is still in the ignition and will not shut off. Which means my battery will be toast tomorrow. Fuck you, universe. Fuck you and die.

Blood Pressure

So, major progress with regards to the blood pressure medicine. About a month ago (10/30, to be exact), my BP systolic/diastolic recording was 161/97. Today, its down to 132/68. Definitely an improvement.

Gun Rang

Hit the gun range today and did okay. Shots were a little high and to the right - will need to work on that. My little Croatian 9mm handled the rounds easily enough, but it was definitely a reminder that I need to hit the range more frequently. And get another pistol because why the hell not? Roommate's new Ruger had problems, though. Wouldn't eject empty casings properly so he's researching why. 

Gun Range

Heading to the range tomorrow. Been a while. Looking forward to that old familiar smell...

Car Payment

No more! The car is officially paid off today. Which means a giant meteor is going to fall on it any day now.

Gym Rats

Am starting to recognize some of the faces at my gym. Not as many uber hotties as I would like, but then, this is a "no judgment" gym (Planet Fitness) so real gym rats are probably at the Gold's Gym. Am slowly getting back into the proper mindset, but I must admit that, for a person who really likes biking, I fucking hate the stationary bike. It sucks soooooo bad. Doesn't help that NCIS always seems to be on when I'm working out and I've tried to swear that show off completely. Although man, it's nice to Cote de Pablo again...

Post Election, Week Two

Entering the second week and there are still jackholes rioting and "protesting." I am not thoroughly convinced that the bulk of these protesters are Soros rent-a-mobs who are simply trying to cause havoc. At this point, if I were POTUS, I would start looking at a targeted assassination of that sonuvabitch as he is clearly attempting to destabilize the country and the POTUS has that whole oath about defending against enemies, both foreign and domestic. Of course, I'd have also long ago started looking at finding a way to legally put Soros in prison some time back, but whatever. The most frustrating part of this, at least for me, is that most of these protesters aren't even going to be charged for this shit. In fact, the 5th Column media is already in the process of trying to lionize them and turn them into modern-day Revolutionaries. At this point, I am all out of fucks to give for them ... although to be fair, I really didn't have many to begin with. Besides, fo

NY Times post-election article

NY Times "Suddenly, the progressive, post-racial, bridge-building society he promised has given way to an angry, jeering, us-against-them nation to be led by a new president who relishes reality-show name-calling with racial overtones. " They still haven't learned.

Suicide Squad

Finally got around to watching this ... mostly. Found a thing on YouTube that has the movie in chunks - caught some of it out of sequence, but I was able to understand the gist ... and it was every bit the steaming turd I expected it to be. The storyline, as I understand it, is utterly retarded. Amanda Waller, who is supposed to be a highly intelligent badass, wants to assemble a team of super-criminals and use them to potentially stop the next Superman (presuming he showed up evil.) Her team? A hyper competent hitman, a deranged pyschopath, a thief who uses boomerangs, a crocodile man, a pyrokinetic (who might be channeling a demon? Not sure) and an idiot archaeologist channeling a centuries-old witch. Of this group, only the witch could potentially do much harm to Supes ... although again, the pyrokinetic is iffy, depending upon the source of his powers. And then, because she is evil , the witch manages to escape control and cause havoc. Which results, based on what I saw, thousand

Valerian trailer

I know nothing about "Valerian" but this looks interesting...

Medical Update

Doctor's appointment this a.m. Was in and out within 10 minutes, excluding time in waiting room (about another 5 minutes.) On one hand, this felt like a waste of time - I went in, got weighed, had my blood pressure taken, waited for a few minutes for the doctor to come in and tell me "Blood pressure medicine is working. See you in six months!" - but on the other, no news is good news, yeah? He did mention my cholesterol is a little high but not so much so that I needed to get more drugs. Something else for me to research, I guess.

Rewatching Season 1 of "The Expanse"

Why? Because there ain't crap on TV and it's a really good show.

So ...

Here we are. Good news: Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt and despicable politician in America, lost. That's fantastic news and at least prevents us from running full tilt toward even greater amounts of socialism. Unfortunately, it comes with bad news: Donald Trump won the election. Think about that for a moment. Donald Trump is going to be the President of the United States. We have officially entered ... the Twilight Zone. Look, I have no illusions about the amount of gridlock we're going to see going forward. All of the Democrats who cried foul when the Republicans blocked a judicial nominee are now going to be doing exactly that and not seeing anything wrong with it. For that matter, quite a lot of the Republicans in Congress are going to be doing the same thing to President Trump (and man, saying that makes me throw up a little in my mouth), which means he's going to fall back onto what Obama did to ram through crap that couldn't get proper legislation: more ex

Election Day

Have mostly unplugged today. Regardless of who wins, America loses. Trump is a buffoon, Clinton is a criminal, regardless of what that tool, Comey, says. So either way, we're all screwed.

New WW Trailer

Looks awesome ... but then, DC movies have poisoned the well with the shit that was "Murderman vs Mopeyman" so one never knows...

Monday v Tuesday

Monday is N7 Day where Bioware is dropping new info on Mass Effect: Andromeda. Tuesday is election day in the US where we get to choose between a buffoon and a corruptocrat. Can you guess which one I'm actually looking forward to and which one I'm dreading?

Writing Woes

The problem with writing about an alien bug invasion (see before-mentioned references of "Earthfall equals Starship Troopers meets Man of Steel") is that one has to do a lot of looking at bugs. Like this beast. Now imagine it bristling with laser weapons and high-tech armor.