Biking, Weight Loss and Gaming

Managed 26 miles on the bike yesterday and, if I'd really wanted to, I think I could have managed 30. Will probably try for that this coming weekend. Of course, with September coming up, I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do once winter arrives ... guess I will have to stop with the procrastination and join a gym.

Related, my weight is currently down 27 lbs following said ride (so how much of that is lost water due to sweating, I can't quite say) which is pretty good since today is Day 78 of the "eat less, exercise more" regimen that has been paying off at least a few dividends. I don't personally think I look thinner but I am having to tighten my belt on my pants, so I guess I have lost a bit,

On Saturday, I ran the ninth installment of "Casus Belli" season 2, which is two more than I ran last time we played this campaign. Recap is here. I'd planned for 12 sessions but right now, I'm thinking we may go a little longer, in which case I'd really like to do 14 which would literally double the length of season 2. The coming session is going to be a bit combat heavy and there is a serious bad ass (a "level boss!") waiting at the end of their pseudo-dungeon crawl who will very likely kick quite a bit of ass. I'm not targeting any characters specifically but I probably will completely take the safeties off because this dude is supposed to be a bad ass.

We'll see, I guess.


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