Post Casus Belli

Finished up my run for "season 2" of this campaign and have entered the hiatus period where I play and plan for the next "season" (or run my Friday game.) Recap for 2x13 is online and it was pretty decent overall, though I do wish I'd had more for the other players during the big duel at the end. This marks (I think) the first time with the Saturday group that we've actually had a PC death and honestly, even if it hadn't been planned, I don't know if the character could have survived. He had failed a death check already and was thus, mortally wounded, but the poison in his system was going to keep going for quite a while, so ... ah well.

Now I'm on to brainstorming for season 3 and am wanting to change things up a little, mostly in regards to the PCs having more of an active role with regards to determining what they do next. Am already planning a 5 year timeskip and ideally, I'd like to emulate that cool war table thing from Dragon Age: Inquisition. If that's remotely possible, that is. I've already discovered at least one problem - the mod I was running with Crusader Kings 2 for the map (aka "The Winter King") isn't cooperating with the latest update of CK2, so I can't even login to make a new screenshot!

At any rate, I also have to figure out overall story arcs for all of the main PCs. One of them - Marcus - is really easy as he's going to be obsessed with locating his One True Love who has vanished, but everyone else? Urgh. Going to be tough. Am trying to farm that out to the players but sometimes, that's like pulling teeth just to get them to logon ... I've got at least one player who I've been trying to get me his character sheet for like a month now.

So, we'll see what we see. I'm trying not to set the expectation bar too high lest I get frustrated at the complete lack of response.


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